Making Highways Safer
Traffic and Road Safety Engineering Consultancy

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LTN 1/20 Cycle Design (£375 + VAT)


T&RS offers this 1-day CPD comprehensive overview on planning, designing and installing high-quality cycle infrastructure as part of local highway schemes. Modal shift is an important element in achieving emission reduction throughout the UK and providing quality, segregated cycle routes will encourage a shift in transport choices. This new course highlights the important aspects of LTN/120 through case studies and highways design standards. Public consultation and stakeholder management are emphasised, as resident and elected member support is essential for cycle infrastructure's long-term success.


T&RS offers flexible CPD courses to suit employees and employers, including:

  • Traditional Classroom Courses (at a T&RS location or in-house at your offices)
  • Online CPD Courses (distance learning/ e-learning)
  • Hybrid "Modular" CPD Courses (mix of classroom and module/ learning followed by online modules/ independent learning)

(Significant discount is available for 10 or more employees attending this CPD course)

Course Overview

  • The case for cycle infrastructure (health, wellbeing, congestion, air quality, climate change)
  • Planning for cycle infrastructure (scope, network planning)
  • Design principles and processes (5 fundamental design principles for success)
  • Geometric requirements (to ensure safety)
  • Spatial Considerations
  • Considerations for non-motorised streets
  • Coherent transitions between carriageway and off-carriageway
  • Junctions and crossings
  • Peer discussion and learning/ course synopsis

Course Leader(s)

All T&RS employees are fully qualified engineers (CEng or IEng) and trainers (Minimum Level 3 in Education and Trainer to qualified University Lecturers/ PG Cert).

The course leaders for this course are:

  • Nick Newton - CEng, FIHE, FCIHT, FSoRSA, RegRSA , HE RSA Cert Comp
  • Joel Logue - MSC, MBA, PGCert, IEng, FIHE, MCIHT, MSoRSA, CMgr
  • Guest Tutor to be confirmed

Course Accreditation

This approved 1-day CPD course is aligned with UK standards set in the various UK highway standards.